Monday, September 27, 2010

Greek Life and rhetoric

Recently, a few greek organizations have been getting some complaints and there have been isolated cases of incidents involving hospitalizations directly related to certain organizations. In response to this Clemson has given a list of "self imposed" sanctions that all fraternities and sororities must adhere to. Because the sanctions were put on the entire greek community as a whole and not only the organizations that have been the cause of all the trouble, the greek community has come together as a whole to fight these unreasonable sanctions imposed on us. If there was ever a time for technical writing and rhetoric now is the time to shine. So far the leaders have done an outstanding job doing just that. All presidents have come together to come up with a plan of action and a proposal to the university for us to keep the traditions of these organizations and to work hand in hand with the university to change some of the issues within the greek community.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about being cut off from the university, and how you feel you need to come together as a group to fight for your cause. I am a member of the swim team and they just recently cut our team for good for reasons that dont make any sense. At least you get your Greek privledges back in a month or so... we have tried everything to get our team re-instated and they are telling us our efforts are a lost cause.
